The benefits of Coconut Oil for Babies and Children with dry skin, nappy rash, cradle cap or eczema.
At one stage or another all my three children had mild eczema. With my first child I would use the creams I was recommended from the...

How to get Slime out of Clothes
I am going to be really honest now. I hate slime and have tried to keep it out of the house, but with 3 kids aged 9, 7 and 6 this wasn't...

How to stop Ear Pain and Infections with Garlic
I have 3 kids and at one time or another all have suffered from Ear Infections. My first daughter suffered many ear infections and every...

Oh no my child has Nits
I received the dreaded letter from my child's pre school, "There has been several cases of Nit's in you child's room please check your...