My Kefir discovery and why you should start making Kefir

I first discovered Kefir at a time in my life when I truely needed it. My third child had just turned 1 and I had had an eczema type rash on the insides of my arm's since just after he was born. I had never had eczema before in my life so I was perplexed to why suddenly after having my third child I had such a bad rash. I tried everything natural on the eczema like rash first and then resorted to steroids creams to control it as it was alway's itchy. The steroids cream would make it go away for a while and then the rash would come back again after I stopped.
Finally a Dr decided to test me for Golden Staph he took swab's off my arms and nose. The swabs came back positive and he believed I had picked up the infection while in hospital when I having my third child. Unfortunately to get rid of the infection I had to go on two types of strong antibiotics and use a bacterial ointment on my arm's. By taking these over a period of two weeks I knew that gut bacteria would be wreaked so I started researching the best probiotic to use and this is when I discovered Kefir.
I read about all the different strains of bacteria kefir had and couldn't find anything else available comparable in the healthcare market. I was nervous about buying live kefir grains so I first bought the kefir probiotic powder. I made my first batch and loved it. After a few weeks I decided to order some live kefir grains from a supplier who had a good reputation. Then began my journey with my Kefir Grains 4 years ago.

My Kefir grains were flourishing so I would share and sell my kefir grains. I had some wonderful feedback from customers on how it had changed there lives and improved their health by taking kefir daily. One message in particular stands out as this particular lady had been seeing a gastroenterologist for severe digestive health issue's and on her visit after taking the kefir the gastroenterologist couldn't believe the improvement. He asked what she had been doing and she told him that she had been consuming kefir daily. He said he would do his research into kefir and decide whether he should be recommending to other patients.
I encourage you to start your kefir journey as soon as possible by buying some kefir grains and make your first batch of kefir. If you don't have time to make your own you can buy kefir now in any major supermarket or health food shop in most area's.