How to make your own Natural Hand Sanitiser
Many store bought hand sanitiser's are filled with chemicals and alcohol. Using these hand sanitisers add's to your chemical load and can have a drying affect on your hands. This Natural Hand Sanitiser is easy to make and ingredients are all Natural however it still provides the antibacterial properties that we want to ensure that our hand are free from germs during our busy days.

What You Will Need -
3 tbsp Aloevera gel
1 tbsp Distilled water or 1 tbsp Witch hazel
1 tbsp Vitamin E Oil
2 drops Tea Tree Essential Oil
3 drops Lavender Essential Oil
Squeezable Tube or Glass Jar for storage
Other essential oils with antibacterial properties you could use instead of lavender oil include thyme, rosemary, eucalyptus, clove, peppermint or thieves essential oil.