Natural Tick Repellant for Humans and our Furry Friends
Growing up near the bush on Sydney Northern Beaches we always had to be aware of ticks both as young kids playing in our bush gardens and for our furry friends who we regularly had to check for ticks during the summer months.
Most people who live in area where ticks are present aware that tick especially the paralysis tick can be deadly to our fury friends and make a human sick if left in for too long.
A great recipe to repel ticks that is both safe for humans and can be used on our furry friends is -

Tick Repellant Recipe -
15 drops of lemongrass essential oil
15 drops of eucalyptus essential oil
15 drops of lavender essential oil
1/2 cup or 125 ml's of water

Add the ingredients to a spray bottle.
Other essential oil that you can added to your tick repellant blend is Geranium which also repels lice and fleas or Lavender Tea Tree which repels fleas and ticks this is a milder version of tea tree oil (be aware regular tea tree can cause temporary paralysis in certain breeds of dogs).
Spray the tick repellant on shoes, socks, and bottom of pants.
For dogs spray on back of neck, behind the ears, belly and armpits and spray each day before going outside. If you don't want to make a spray for your dogs you can make a tick collar by adding essential oils to the cloth collar or taking a bandana and tying it to your dogs collar. Cotton works best as it holds the essential oil scent better than other materials. Place 5 drops of each of your chosen oils on your collar and reapply every 2 weeks.
Continue to regularly check your dogs for ticks. Please be aware that some essential oils are not safe to use around dogs or cats.